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      Mascherine FFp2- Facciamo un pò di chiarezza!

      FFp2 Masks - Let's do some clarity!

      Over 97 of the applications submitted to Inail for thela
      validation, according to the safety requirements, of
      masks, goggles, half-mask visors, gloves e
      shoes, had been rejected during the first phase. In
      just over a month, from the start of the procedurei
      validation, at the central offices of Inail in Rome areo
      1,700 cases were examined, of these only 62
      they have successfully passed the tests. In this listing
      there is a company in our group which has obtained lok’ok
      by the technical-scientific committee of the Instituteo
      central: it is the Fin Group Safety Division of Cividate Al
      Piano, which also got the month of June
      a further validation. It seems important, aa
      a few months after the beginning of the emergencyza
      COVID 19, especially for work activities, in which
      users must be equipped with the devices
      suitable individual protective type maskso
      FFP2 or FFP3, take stock of the situation. Indeedi
      during the initial phase of the pandemic the market is
      been invaded by hundreds of companies that have
      improvised distributors, offering products that
      they have also printed misleading CE marks. ButMa
      to try to shed some light on thesei
      articles, which by their nature of protection thata
      of the respiratory tract, are considered thirda
      category, i.e. with the highest standards,
      let's take stock of the situation, starting from
      before the emergency. On the market there wereno
      masks mostly imported from non-EU countries,),
      but that they followed all the procedures that each
      importer must normally do, that is
      submit them to certification by an Accredited Body that
      authorized to print his own code
      identifier next to the CE marking, a code
      this one of four digits, for example CE 1234, where i
      numbers represent the identity card of the entitye
      who checks them annually. This procedure
      on average it takes at least four months.
      With the Covid emergency, faced with the need fori
      have these products immediately available in
      large quantities, importers had to search
      mainly on the Chinese market, new suppliers
      with products not yet certified according to i
      European regulations on PPE. For this reason the
      law decree number 18 of last March 17 has
      delegated to validation, for devices of
      individual protection FFP2, FFP3 masks3)
      Inail, while at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità forer
      surgical ones such as medical devices. Therefore
      at INAIL must be subjected to validatione

      masks without the CE mark. Caution
      however, that the CE marking without the codes
      identification of the Entity authorized as abovera
      specified, constitute a markinga
      fraudulent, and it is a deceptive method of doing
      believe those who buy them that they are in order. To this
      this is reported by numerous inspectors of
      Notified Bodies, which are in circulation thousands of
      false certifications, often of entities that with the
      masks have nothing to do therefore
      it is essential to check when purchasing
      first of all if the CE marked products have i
      requirements listed above, and in the case of masks
      without this marking that the supplier to whom you are
      addresses has obtained validation from Inail, listo
      which can be consulted directly on the website www.inail.it.
      We asked an expert, who provided us with the
      regulatory references to draw up our investigation
      what do you think of the situation of chaos that has arisen
      to create, it is Stefano Galimberti in charge
      of the PPE certification sector of one of the major bodies
      Europeans: Certainly import and distribute thesei
      products cannot be entrusted to improvisation..
      They are in fact individual protective devices
      which must ensure the safety of workers, forr
      risks that can have huge consequences
      serious For this reason it is essential to contact
      specialized companies that are able to offer
      also a product that can be used in
      safety. In fact from some checks we are
      doing, it appears that some products passed off as
      FFP2 don't even reach performance
      provided for class FFP 1 which is the minimum
      required by the reference standard EN 149..



      The national and international regulatory landscape in the context of anchoring devices is not linearly structured thus leaving tod wide spaces of interpretation. The anchoring systems and their installation are regulated by various institutions and documents including national laws, European directives and regulations, regional regulations, technical standards, guidelines, etc.


      Among the technical regulations we find the EN 795: 2012 and the UNI 11578: 2015: the first regulates the anchoring devices intended to be removed from the structure and is partially harmonized; the second instead is a norm for permanently installed devices and is valid only in Italy.

      Although there is a system of complex standards, permanent anchor devices are not covered by a harmonized technical standard with the consequence that the products do not have the obligation of CE markingE and their free movement in Europe is limited.


      To address this regulatory gap, the European Commission, with the M122 mandate, requested the creation of a new proposed standard prEN 172355) which appears to be in its final stages. If the standardization process should take its course, the standard will be submitted to a vote by the European Nations.


      If successful, the standard will then be evaluated for its harmonization with the consequent obligation of CE marking.


      The currente time schedule implies that the proposed rule will be concluded by December 2019, the formal vote by June 2020 and the rule should be published between the end of 2020 and the first months of 2021.


      The publication of EN 17235 is in any case subject to the positive outcome of the previous phases and may occuri three possible final scenarios:

      1. Published and Harmonized Standard
      2. Published and non-harmonized standard
      3. Standard not published with probable start of a new standardization process.


      We will keep you updated on subsequent developments which, to date, cannot be predicted with certainty.

      Quanto costa una linea vita?

      How much does a life line cost?

      The cost of a life line it is a recurring issue in the residential and private sector where, generally, those who decide to install a fall protection system are also those who pay for the intervention..

      To answer this question it is necessary, first of all, to make a premise: it is not possible to give an answer that is the same for everyone sinceé the factors that determine the cost of a life line are different and of various kinds. These include:

      • theresquare footage coverage;
      • theremorphology coverage
      • theretype of deviceinstalled;
      • thereAccess mode to the building and roof;;
      • ancillary requirements regional and / or municipal

      But let's take a practical example to better understand how the price of a life line is calculated.

      Quanto costa una linea vita? - LineeVita

      Starting from one common situation, let's consider a building with a 20 meter long double pitch roof, in reinforced concrete, finished in tiles and with access from a skylight,schematized alongside.


      In this case, the cost of the life line, keys in hand, for the safety including design, installation and documentation hovers around the 2400€ (VAT Excluded, divided into about 1500 for materials and 900 for design and installation.ne.


      As expressed above, this value may vary according to the factors described above which we will now analyze in detail.

      Quanto costa una linea vita? - LineeVita
      • METRATURE AND MORPHOLOGY: While it is almost obvious that the cost is directly proportional to the square footage, it is a little less so for its morphology. In fact, geometrically more complex and less linear roofs require more material and consequently longer installation time. This is the case of poles, corner drives, pendulum effects and so on. A roof of the same size but with a C-shaped plan could raise the price up to 70.l 70%.
      Quanto costa una linea vita? - LineeVita
      • TYPE OF DEVICE INSTALLED: Roof finishes, such as corrugated metal sheets, require more technologically advanced and more expensive devices which, at the same time, guarantee a lower aesthetic impact and less probability of infiltration. A roof of the same size but with an insulated corrugated sheet finish would lead to an increase of about 60.%.
      Quanto costa una linea vita? - LineeVita
      • TYPE AND STATE OF CONSERVATION: a fundamental role is played by the roof support structure. With newly built wooden or reinforced concrete roofs, there are generally no problems. On the contrary, roofs in low walls and hollow blocks or heavily degraded do not allow an effective fixing, which involves the use of special and impacting devices that can increase the cost by 3 times as much..
      Quanto costa una linea vita? - LineeVita
      • LOCATION OF THE BUILDING AND ACCESS TO THE COVERA: In this case it is necessary to consider whether it is necessary to hire lifting work platforms or not, increasing the cost of installation by about 20.e.
      Quanto costa una linea vita? - LineeVita
      • REGIONAL AND / OR MUNICIPAL ACCESSORY REQUIREMENTS: in some regions, such as Tuscany, it is necessary to draw up the technical report of the roof signed by a qualified technician with the calculation report on the fixings and the support structure attached. This service generally costs 800 for standard coverage.d.

      Innovazione e sicurezza dei sistemi anti-caduta

      Innovation and safety of anti-fall systems

      Of the more than 500 fatal accidents that occurred at work in 2017, more than 30 were caused bya falls from aboveo.

      The risk of falling from above is particularly high during construction site activities and during maintenance activities, both of civil buildings, but also and above all of industrial machinery. Therefore, the need to protect the staff of your company arises spontaneously through the use of fall arrest systems designed precisely to prevent and limit the risk of falling when working at certain heights.e.

      In particular, for the industrial sector it is important to design anti-fall systems that take into account the conditions that govern the choice of devices that integrate and are optimal for solving the problems present.

      Innovazione e sicurezza dei sistemi anti-caduta: più soluzioni a portata di un binario

      THE problems that are often found in the industrial environment are::

      • the reduced spaces available for the fall limiting the so-called“air tiea” necessary to stop the operator safely;;
      • the presence of installations which limit the possibility of fixing the devices;
      • the presence of powders and / or particles that deposit on the devices, invalidating their use and recreating a potentially explosive environment (ATEX);
      • the difficulty of reaching the operator in case ofi emergency and to carry out the related rescue operations

      For to solve these problems there are various anti-fall solutions that can be adopted according to needs.

      First of all you have to rely on rigid rail systems which allow to minimize the air tiea (if properly coupled with fall arrest lanyards so that safety is not compromised byi reduced spaces due to obstructions, machinery or material present below the operator..

      If these tracks then have properly designed geometries it is possible minimize the accumulation ofi dirt and dust, so that it is the same trolley that, during the passage, removes unwanted products thanks to the sliding guides suitably inclined in order to ensure the combination of stability and safety.

      It also often happens that in environments with potentially explosive atmospheres(ATEX) the presence and accumulation of dust could aggravate this situation..

      It follows that, although it is advisable to prevent this from happening, it would be better to equip the system, where necessary, with the appropriate devices so that electrostatic charges do not accumulate or that the mutual sliding of metal parts does not generate sparks that are not always visible to the naked eye. can trigger thele potentially explosive atmospheres.

      Innovazione e sicurezza dei sistemi anti-caduta: più soluzioni a portata di un binario

      To these two properties nothing detracts from adding a third, that is the possibility of equipping the system with two trolleys that can slide independently of each other. In this way, not only is it easier to use, two operators can work without interfering with each other, but above all it is possible to provide suitable onesrtune save sequences in cases of emergency thanks to a sliding guide that can be dedicated exclusively to these phases and that is autonomous and independent from that of the injured person..

      Finally, it is essential to have suitable structures that can support the devices. As mentioned in industrial companies there is very often a multitude of technical installations which makes it difficult to anchor the devices, especially if they have reduced fixing distances. It is therefore essential to have a track that has a section that can guarantee thei restrictive sealing standards required by the reference standards while facilitating fixing thanks to the self-supporting property of the same and ensuring center distances of at least 6/8 meters in order to bee versatile without prejudice to the’ergonomics during transportation and installation..

      Structures such as the one described are used in various fields, more specifically in loading bays and unloading of materials, where the operator must climb over the articulated vehicle to connect the systems, in thele facade maintenance or vertical green wall, in the phases of machinery maintenance which have a relatively low ground clearance but sufficient to be exposed to the risk of falling from above, etc.cc…